About Us

Get to know a bit more about DWSL


The world has literally been turned on it’s head since March 2020. This is the deepest recession in everybody’s lifetime, but there are learnings from even the most recent downturns. Organic growth is possible with the right approach, but above all: the right experience. David Watts set up DWSL because he strongly believed he had the appropriate experience and demonstrable track record in a variety of challenging environments to provide the right insight to enable you to achieve sales growth.

About: David Watts

Held Senior Sales Leadership (and UK Operating Board) positions at Siebel, Oracle, EMC and Sage.

I have managed (and transformed) businesses from $80m and 50 people to $250m and 250 people.

I successfully managed the transition of Sun Microsystems into Oracle post acquisition, growing Gross Profit on product from 40% to 60% and restoring Net Profit during my first 6 months of tenure whilst re-building the sales, marketing, pre-sales and delivery organisations.

At EMC I grew sales by 25% YoY on a $100m revenue segment and helped acquire 200 new name logos.

At Sage, I took a moribund business growing at 3% per annum and delivered 43% and 51% growth during my 2 full years of managing the business.

In my most recent Consulting engagement, I added €500k of GP and €2m of incremental revenue during my 5 months of interim CSO.

Our Core Values

Customer Focus

My whole focus is about you, my customer. I seek to “under promise and over deliver” to borrow a cliche. This translates into doing everything I can to ensure you are a delighted, reference-able customer upon completion of my engagement.

Respect and Ethics

I have always maintained an honest, ethical and transparent approach to business. At the core of this is mutual respect for the individual. I will coach and mentor my clients to undertake the same approach. I have experienced many times over the past couple of decades, this is the most successful approach.

Preparation and Detail

Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the US was quoted in 1703, By “failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” George Graham, legendary Arsenal manager adapted it to “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail”. It’s still relevant today. I am utterly convinced that 90% of successful sales (and indeed sales leadership) is down to the process followed and preparation. My approach to all assignments and my training courses will follow this ethos.


I have always tried to be the leader in my field. Best in class. I aim to be first port of call for those seeking sales advisory and consulting skills to help their business significantly improve its performance.


I am genuine, transparent and with no veneer. I only accept assignments where I believe I can add significant, genuine, value. If I don’t believe that I able to do this I will not accept the challenge