The 10 most common revenue growth inhibitors

All stakeholders want high revenue and profit growth from their organisation. David Watts, founder of DWSL has been transforming sales performance since he first became a sales leader over 20 years ago. Using our own, inhouse developed 10 x 10 Sales Competency Assessment Grid,  DWSL analyse the effectiveness of your organisation in 10 key areas and measure you against best practice, identifying any underlying inhibitors preventing your organisation from achieving high growth.

Sales Leadership and Culture

Sales Leadership and Culture is the most difficult to define, but perhaps the biggest inhibitor to Revenue Growth. DWSL will spend time with your Sales Leadership team to understand: 

  • Its capability and experience
  • The impact it has on the rest of the organisation
  • The presence or absence of a target culture across the sales organisation
  • Performance management and KPIs
  • Focus on customer value and ROI

Forecasting Process and Cadence

Business Predictability is key to the success of any organisation, yet forecast management is often poor and process lacking. We spend time with your sales teams to understand:

  • How their sales forecast is collated
  • The forecast cadence and overall process
  • Evidence of challenge, ownership and opportunity management
  • The use of technology, particularly CRM and sales stages and probabilities

Opportunity and Pipeline Management

Management and conversion of opportunities is a key contributor to revenue growth. Many organisations either lack an adequate process or tend to manage them in a non standardised ad-hoc manner.

DWSL will work with your sales team to define the optimum process for managing key opportunities and coach the sales team and leadership to improve conversion rates by focusing on business benefit and contact strategy.

Go to Market Positioning and Messaging

Gartner estimate that over 60% of procurement shortlists are decided before any contact is made with any potential suppliers. Effective Go to Market (GTM) and Value Propositions are therefore key to enabling your products and services to be considered. Many Case Studies tend to focus on feature/function rather than business benefit or value. Business Buyers in the decision making process care much more about your credentials and where you have delivered quantified value with other customers rather than how your solution or proposition works.

DWSL work with your sales and marketing organisations to simplify and crystallise what you do, how you do it, where you have done it before and the business benefit you deliver. That enables potential customers to purchase from you on the same basis that you make your own purchase decisions.

Opportunity Creation and Lead Management

Even where a lead management process exists it is often haphazard and solely owned by the Marketing team. Leads are often unqualified; little more than a name or address and campaign success is difficult to manage because of lack of underpinning meaningful KPIs.

DWSL work with your Sales and Marketing teams to:

  • Define and agree the process and ownership
  • The definition of a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)
  • When and how the lead is handed over to the sales team
  • Ensure lead generation originates from SEO, (Search Engine Optimisation of organic), Use of Social Media Platforms and Pay Per Click (PPC) in addition to any outbound activity you may have.

ROI is a key deliverable from this activity for all lead generation campaigns.

Sales Incentive Plan and Quota Allocation

When it comes to sales force effectiveness, money really does change everything. An ineffective sales incentive scheme inhibits growth by failing to motivate the sales team, particularly at month or quarter end. Equally, failure to plan Sales Quotas adequately at the start of each trading year can effectively condemn that organisation to mediocre performance at best and failure to meet fundamental KPIs in the worst case scenario. 

DWSL work with your Finance team to build the optimum Sales Quota Coverage model and then the underpinning sales incentive plan that drives best in class performance from a sustainable cost perspective.

Customer Segmentation and Account Planning

A cursory glance of your website will tell us how effective your organisation is at demand pull and attracting new customers. 90% of organisations focus on feature/function with technical white papers utilised to underpin this form of messaging and GTM. Often GTM is generic with little or no segmentation by Geography, Vertical or Business Problem area.

DWSL will work with you to develop a new GTM and collateral that demonstrates tangible business benefit specific to your target organisations, in your chosen vertical markets. We can also create an Account Planning template with you to maximise opportunities in your existing customers and prospects. We coach your team through the optimum process for maximising revenue via cross sell and upsell and winning new customers.

Social Selling and Marketing

Nobody wakes up everyday hoping that somebody will either cold call them or spam them on LinkedIn. Sales continues to become ever more complex and it is now estimated that in B2B sales there are anywhere between 8 and 12 Decision Makers involved in any medium sized opportunity or larger.


We work with your Sales team to ensure that they are using LinkedIn and other Social Media platforms to influence potential customers, not just broadcast generally and spam contacts specifically. Moreover, we show you how to engage with your existing and new customers in a way that delivers value to them to maximise your own opportunity.


Talent Management

Hiring mistakes are common in all organisations. Onboarding and developing those hires usually happens without any underlying process and it significantly impacts the individual’s opportunity to make a meaningful revenue contribution in the earliest timeframe.

We will work with you to define your hiring process, formalise your onboarding process and ensure that your people development activities are inline with your aggressive revenue growth aspirations.

Underlying Technology

Most organisations have a CRM, fewer than 50% utilise them effectively and having more than one CRM is not uncommon. Often the technology is used as a repository for customer information and “deals”,  tends to lack either adequate Sales Stages and Probabilities, has data accuracy issues and fails to articulate next actions as part of a close plan.


We work with your organisation to either refine your existing technology or advise on the implementation of a new solution. We ensure that you are able to view and manage your business from CEO downwards just as CRM was originally intended to.